Epicor Eagle *Premier Connection*

Retailers using Epicor Eagle's Compass tool create CSV files and export these reports to a Locally SFTP folder. Here's how: 

  1. Create a query in Compass that contains the required inventory data fields (UPC code and Quantity Available).
  2. Create a schedule for automated uploads. Ex: every two hours from 4am until 9pm
  3. When setting up the SFTP with the username and password, enter the FTP Path as "ftp.locally.com:2022" and check the box Use SFTP. 
  4. Create a task using the Task Wizard that runs the query using the schedule you created, and set it to SFTP using the Locally.com credentials (or via email to your assigned locally.com email address). Generate your Locally SFTP credentials here: https://www.locally.com/station/panel/credentials/index.
  5. Set up the files to save under the same file name every time by filling in the User - Supplies filename and making sure the date is not included in the file name.                                                                            
  6. Email support@locally.com when you're done so that we can complete the setup on our end.

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