Your Order History dashboard

Head to to see all orders at the company or companies your user account is associated with.

Searching your Order History

You can use the magnifying glass button at the top right of the screen to filter your orders in a number of ways. Filter by date, order type, customer name, store name, brand name, and much more. 

Exporting your Order History

You can export your order history as a .csv file by clicking the export icon at the top right:

This exports the filtered view Order History is displaying at that time. 

On your Order History export, you will see a number of possible statuses in the Status column (Column E). Statuses correspond to the outcome of each order. 

There a few standard statuses you may see:

  • Confirmed: the order was confirmed by the store.
  • Retailer Declined: the retailer was unable to fulfill the order and declined the sale. 
  • Ordered: this order was neither confirmed or declined. This typically indicates the order is brand new and hasn't been fulfilled yet, or the store could not fulfill the order but messaged the shopper about alternative options.
  • Auto-cancelled: the store did not respond to the order within the allotted 8-business hour window so our system auto-cancelled the order. 
  • Buyer Declined: the shopper cancelled the order.
  • Refunded: the store confirmed the order and then later refunded the sale. 
  • Charge Failed: the shopper placed the order but Locally could not successfully charge their credit card after the initial authorization so the customer must pay when they arrive in store.  

With Buy It Locally, stores are encouraged to add Order Resolution Statuses to mark the outcome of each order. Order Resolution Statuses are mostly used for Reservations for Store Pickup orders but are also available and used for BOPIS/Same-Day Delivery orders as stores see fit. 

If a store adds this on a given order, the order resolution status will display in the Status column instead: 

  • Purchased: the shopper showed up to the store and purchased the item. 
  • Purchased +: the shopper showed up to the store and purchased the item as well as additional items. 
  • Purchased Other: the shopper showed up to the store but purchased something else. 
  • No Purchase: the shopper showed up to the store but left without purchasing anything.
  • No Show: the shopper did not show up to the store.  

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